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ISB Nomenclature

ISB Glossary

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Term Main definition
Description Pane

A pane that displays and edits the contents of features in annotation windows and description windows.

Hits - 842
Synonyms - description pane

Interactive operation window

Hits - 2082
Synonyms - Dialog

Homologous regions between two genomes are shown by the presence or absence of dots by the sliding window method.

Synonyms - dot plot

Expected value of the number of sequences that coincidentally coincide when searching a random sequence database of the same size in the query sequence.

Hits - 1462
Synonyms - e-value E-value
EC Number

A classification of enzymes represented by four pairs of numbers.

Hits - 1185
Synonyms - EC number EC_Number

Nucleotide sequence or amino acid sequence format. It consists of definition rows and sequence rows.

Hits - 1419
Synonyms - fasta
Feature Key

Type of feature

Hits - 1493
Synonyms - FK
Feature Lane

A part of the main feature map.

Hits - 173
Synonyms - feature lane
Feature Map

A biological feature (feature) annotated on the genome sequence is displayed on a map like meaningful shape and color according to its position.

Hits - 1716
Synonyms - feature map
Gene Cluster Alignment

The function of focusing on one gene among multiple genomes and displaying the alignment of the entire neighborhood including that gene. Implemented on IMCGE or higher edition. To Category.

Hits - 224
genetic code table

A conversion table which convert a codon to corresponding amino acid code.

Hits - 1612
Synonyms - genetic table
Genome Traveler

NGS analysis software developed by in silico biology inc.

Hits - 2193
Synonyms - GT

Genome analysis software developed and sold by in silico biology inc.

Hits - 2516
Synonyms - in silico MolecularCloning
Lane Type

Kind of lane.

Hits - 1140
Synonyms - lane type
Late Version Up

License renewal after the license renewal period has expired.

Hits - 532

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