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  • Attributes of Feature Key
  • IMC Original Set Feature Keys
  • Types and Roles of Qualifier
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  • IMC Original Set Qualifiers
  • Feature Position on Genome Sequence
  • Feature Fragmentation
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  • GenBank EMBL Viewer
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  • Labeling and Coloring
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  • Amino Acid Sequence Profile Viewer
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  • Cloning in silico
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  • Primer Design
  • PCR Reaction
  • Ligation
  • Gene Cluster Design
  • Bridge Contigs
  • Plasmid Map
  • Gel Electrophoresis
  • Fragment Modification
  • Find RE Set for Insert Check
  • Homologous Recombination
  • Pseudo Cloning
  • Gene and Genome Sequence Analysis
  • DNA Content Analysis
  • Codon Analysis
  • Open Reading Frame Analysis
  • Translation
  • Amino Acid Sequence Analysis
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  • Auto Annotation
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  • Multiple Circular Genome Map
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  • Dot Plot Analysis
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  • Enzyme Alignment by EC Number
  • Gene Cluster Alignment
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  • EST Mapping
  • Trace Mapping
  • SNP Mapping
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  • Array File Operations
  • Array Lane Operations
  • Array Data Correction
  • Gene Level Operations
  • Inter-Array Analysis
  • Peak Detection
  • Genome Design
  • Codon Adaptation Design
  • Gene Design
  • Gene Cluster Design
  • Gene Cluster Design Check
  • Metabolic Models
  • Reverse Complement
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  • in silico Assembler
  • iSpider
  • TaxiSpider
  • AntigenPredictor
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  • Do It Yourself Biology Tools
  • Do It Yourself Biology, Definition, Conditions, Requirements, Tools

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eShop in silico Products

IMC GE 6 Months
¥26,400 Ex Tax: ¥24,000
IMC GE 12 Months
¥39,600 Ex Tax: ¥36,000
IMC GE 3 Month
¥16,500 Ex Tax: ¥15,000

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