You are here: Home Sitemap
- Software Key License (SW Key)
- IMC: in silico MolecularCloning
- Function Overviews and Basic Operation
- Management and Operations of Feature Keys
- Attributes of Feature Key
- IMC Original Set Feature Keys
- Types and Roles of Qualifier
- IMC Original Set Qualifiers
- Feature Position on Genome Sequence
- Link and Refer on Feature
- Registration, Deletion, Editing of Feature
- Feature Categorize and Presentation
- Attach Sequential Number to Feature (Qualifier Editing)
- Extract from Sequence and Export
- Application Data File Operation
- Gene Function Code Search
- Circular Genome Viewer-Designer
- Plasmid Map Viewer - Designer
- Amino Acid Sequence Profile Viewer
- Find RE Set for Insert Check
- Gene and Genome Sequence Analysis
- Open Reading Frame Analysis
- Amino Acid Sequence Analysis
- Multiple Circular Genome Map
- Multiple Linear Genome Map
- Global Genome Rearrangement Analysis
- Local Genome Rearrangement Analysis
- Enzyme Alignment by EC Number
- Amino Acid Sequence Mapping
- Gene Cluster Design Check
- Window Dialog Description
- Do It Yourself Biology Tools
- Do It Yourself Tools for High School Students
- Do It Yourself Biology, Definition, Conditions, Requirements, Tools